Australian Directors' Guild   

Donations and Bequests

  • Support the ADG 

    The Australian Directors' Guild is the organisation dedicated to supporting and celebrating Australian screen directors. As we embark on our ambitious plan for 2024-2026, we need your support to achieve our goals.

    The ADG receives no ongoing core funding and cash-flow is extremely tight. We rely on approximately 1/3 membership fees, 1/3 events & sponsorships and 1/3 grants & partnerships. We value every dollar, but our current funding model leaves us very under-resourced.

    Redress the Balance

    • Directors, Writers and Producers are the key players, leading and authoring Australian screen stories. But unfortunately, ADG finances and resources are tiny compared to the organisations supporting writers and producers. 
    • For the Australian screen industry to thrive, the ADG must be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Screen Producers Australia (SPA) and the Australian Writers' Guild (AWG).
    •  Supporting the ADG through donations, sponsorships, and partnerships will empower directors and our industry to create great Australian screen stories.

Donate and Ensure

-  advocacy for directors including best-practice contracts and updated rate cards in support of the rights of the director as artist and worker

- development of programs and resources for directors focusing on mentorship, attachments & career development 

- celebration of directors’ artistry, authorship, leadership and diversity within Australian screen storytelling

- Sustainability of the ADG to provide vital services in support of Australian screen directors

How to Donate

Your support is invaluable, and donations of any size make a significant impact. Here’s how you can contribute:

- Online: Make a secure donation using the form below.


- Bank Transfer: Contact us for bank transfer details.

- Mail: Send a cheque payable to Australian Directors' Guild to our office at Suite 28/330-37 Wattle St Ultimo NSW 2007.

Consider becoming a recurring donor to make a lasting impact. We also offer opportunities for named donations and recognition for significant contributions.

Make a Lasting Impact

Leaving a bequest to the Australian Directors' Guild (ADG) is a powerful way to support the future of our industry and ensure the continued advocacy for directors' rights, fair treatment, and creative excellence. By including the ADG in your will, you help safeguard the strength and unity of our community, allowing us to develop vital protections and essential resources for generations to come. Your legacy gift will empower directors, enhance their working conditions, and foster a thriving, equitable industry. Your generosity would have a lasting impact.

For more information or to discuss how you can support the ADG, please contact:

Sophie Harper

Executive Director, Australian Directors' Guild (ADG)  

Email: sophie.harper (at)  

Thank you for your commitment to the future of Australian directors. There's much to do but we are focused and ambitious for what can be achieved with your support.

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